更新日期:2024/11/22 站长工具查询 搜索查询 Whois查询 IP查询 HTTPS查询 备案查询
网站名称 | Dr. Schenk GmbH |
主办单位名称 | 无 |
主办单位性质 | 无 |
ICP备案号/许可证号 | 无 |
标签 | 内容 |
标题(Title) | Dr. Schenk GmbH |
关键词(KeyWords) | Surface Inspection Systems, Vision Systems, Camera Systems, Surface Vision Dr. Schenk develops, manufactures, and markets surface inspection / vision solutions used in multiple production facilities around the world. They are used in the metal, paper, plastic, nonwoven, technical textile and glass industries. 100% sur |
描述(Description) | Automatic optical in-line surface inspection systems for material irregularity & local defect detection, measurement of mechanical & optical properties for the entire web / material. |
关键词 | 搜索结果 |
Surface | 点击搜索 |
Inspection | 点击搜索 |
Systems | 点击搜索 |
Vision | 点击搜索 |
Systems | 点击搜索 |
Camera | 点击搜索 |
Systems | 点击搜索 |
Surface | 点击搜索 |
Vision | 点击搜索 |
Dr | 点击搜索 |
Schenk | 点击搜索 |
develops | 点击搜索 |
manufactures | 点击搜索 |
and | 点击搜索 |
markets | 点击搜索 |
surface | 点击搜索 |
inspection | 点击搜索 |
/ | 点击搜索 |
vision | 点击搜索 |
solutions | 点击搜索 |
used | 点击搜索 |
in | 点击搜索 |
multiple | 点击搜索 |
production | 点击搜索 |
facilities | 点击搜索 |
around | 点击搜索 |
the | 点击搜索 |
world | 点击搜索 |
They | 点击搜索 |
are | 点击搜索 |
used | 点击搜索 |
in | 点击搜索 |
the | 点击搜索 |
metal | 点击搜索 |
paper | 点击搜索 |
plastic | 点击搜索 |
nonwoven | 点击搜索 |
technical | 点击搜索 |
textile | 点击搜索 |
and | 点击搜索 |
glass | 点击搜索 |
industries | 点击搜索 |
100% | 点击搜索 |
sur | 点击搜索 |