关键词(KeyWords) |
IFSC, GIFT IFSC, GIFT CITY IFSC, IFSC Guidelines, India IFSC, Indian IFSC, Masala bonds, IFSC, Masala bonds, International Exchange, IFSC exchange, Eurobonds, IFSC, Eurobonds, International exchange, MTN Programme, international exchange, MTN Programme, IFSC, GIFT, Masala bonds, IFSC, GIFT, MTN Programme, international |
描述(Description) |
India International Exchange (IFSC) Limited (India INX) - India’s first international exchange in International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) located at the Gujarat International Finance-Tec City (GIFT City). Get all the live Quotes on INDIA 50 Futures and options, real time prices of Equity, currency and commodity derivatives. Listing of Masala bonds, Euro bonds and green bonds, Listing of Masala bonds India, Listing Ceremony of Indian Oil Corporation Limited , India Oil corporation, Listing Ceremony of IOCL. |