Ontario Poison Centre (OPC)

更新日期:2024/08/17 站长工具查询 搜索查询 Whois查询 IP查询 HTTPS查询 备案查询

网站名称 Ontario Poison Centre (OPC)
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标签 内容
标题(Title) Ontario Poison Centre (OPC)
关键词(KeyWords) Ontario Poison Centre, Poison, Poisoning, drug overdose, toxicology, call poison, Ontario,4168135900,18002689017
描述(Description) The Ontario Poison Centre (OPC) is a telephone toxicology consultation service providing expert poison advice 24 hours a day to the public and health-care professionals in Ontario. Our staff includes nurses, pharmacists and physicians highly trained in treating poisonings and drug overdoses.
关键词 搜索结果
Ontario 点击搜索
Poison 点击搜索
Centre 点击搜索
Poison 点击搜索
Poisoning 点击搜索
drug 点击搜索
overdose 点击搜索
toxicology 点击搜索
call 点击搜索
poison 点击搜索
Ontario 点击搜索
4168135900 点击搜索
18002689017 点击搜索