www.securitychina.com.cn |
2022安博会—2022中国国际社会公共安全产品博览会,Security China 2022,2022北京安防展 |
官网首页 |
中国国际社会公共安全产品博览会(以下简称“博览会”)自1994年以来每两年在北京举办一次,至今已成功举办了十一届,本着“企业家的节日、行业的盛会、用户的集市”的办展目标,不断发展提高,如今已成为国际上规模最大、最具影响力的社会公共安全产品博览会之一。2022年博览会将占用北京中国国际展览中心全馆(新馆),展览内容全方位涵盖安防行业系列产品,并将扩充“反恐应急”、“警务技术保障”、“智能交通”、“物联网技术与应用”等新内容,并增设新的专业展区。 |
www.bizcspia.com |
Bizcspia-China Security and Protection Industry Association |
biz cspia,China Security Industry News, Security Products, Security Publications, China Suppliers |
Security China Online is a new established network of China Security and Protection Industry Association, The main contents include China International Exhibition on Public Safety and Security, China International Sourcing Conference on Public Safety and Security, China Security Industry News, Security Products, Security Publications, China Suppliers and etc. The purpose is to help more foreign distributors or wholesalers to know Status of China Security Industry, avoid the trouble to confirm who is the most qualified supplier in finding Chinese security products and suppliers, So this is why we set up the this marketplace web. |