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www.dpcrnqx.cn 融资租赁业务,租赁业务,上海静缘融资租赁有限公司 上海静缘融资租赁有限公司 上海静缘融资租赁有限公司成立于2014年06月30日,注册地位于上海市浦东新区沈梅路99弄1-9号1幢434室,法定代表人为胡谦。经营范围包括融资租赁业务;租赁业务;向国内外购买租赁财产;租赁财产的残值处理及维修;租赁交易咨询和担保。 【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】上海静缘融资租赁有限公司对外投资1家公司。
www.zvxljry.cn 郑州黎锐出租汽车有限公司,出租汽车管理服务 郑州黎锐出租汽车有限公司 郑州黎锐出租汽车有限公司成立于1999年05月19日,注册地位于郑州市中原区陇海西路南昆仑路东22号楼1-2层4号,法定代表人为鲁培东。经营范围包括出租汽车管理服务(凭有效许可证经营);零售:汽车配件。
www.thitco.com Piping Product Manufacturers, Building Material Suppliers, Measuring Instrument Factory - HAIZHUO piping product, building material, measuring instrument, geosynthetics, metalwork product Taiyuan Haizhuo Industrial Trade Co.,Ltd.:We're known as one of the most professional piping product, building material, measuring instrument, geosynthetics, metalwork product manufacturers and suppliers in China. Please rest assured to buy high quality products at competitive price from our factory. Contact us for more details.
www.backnatureairpurifier.com Air Purifier, Fruit Washer, Vegetable Washer Manufacturers - BACKNATURE air purifier, fruit washer, vegetable washer, food waste disposer, garbage disposal Guangzhou Haike Electronics Technology Co., Ltd.: As a leader in the healthcare home appliances industry focusing on the sustainable development of the global environment, BackNature takes the corporate mission of Making Living Spaces Healthier and More comfortable.
