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www.shuangtafood.com |
烟台双塔食品股份有限公司,龙口粉丝-红薯粉条-植物肉-人造肉-植物鸡块 |
龙口粉丝,红薯粉条,植物肉,人造肉,植物鸡块,豌豆纤维 |
烟台双塔食品股份有限公司位于龙口粉丝的发源地和主产地山东省招远市,主要产品有龙口粉丝,红薯粉条,植物肉,人造肉,蛋白肉,豌豆淀粉,植物鸡块,豌豆纤维,植物基食品等 |
www.sanhualwe.com |
杭州先途电子有限公司 |
电动大巴变频空调,工业通用变频空调,特种空调,智能管理系统,杭州先途电子有限公司 |
杭州先途电子有限公司-公司聚焦在绿色节能领域,主导产业有空调自控元器件产业、新能源汽车自控元器件产业、家电热管理系统产业等。三花在空调自控元器件领域全球领先, |
www.generalg.com |
深圳市金承诺实业有限公司_高端智能机床_机器人自动化智造_机床设备 |
高端智能机床,机器人自动化智造,数字化智造,刀具综合管理 |
深圳市金承诺实业有限公司_高端智能机床_机器人自动化智造_是一家专注于中国高端制造业并为其提供智能综合服务创造全新价值的专业化综合性集团公司。集团旗下拥有多个世界顶级一流品牌在中国代理权 |
www.jishuiejiao.com |
山东济水阿胶有限公司_阿胶糕_龟甲胶_鹿角胶_【官网】 |
阿胶糕,龟甲胶,鹿角胶,阿胶,济水阿胶 |
山东济水阿胶有限公司位于菏泽市经济开发区,是一家集胶剂研制、生产、销售为一体的现代化胶剂生产企业。 |
www.pengfeijituan.cn |
山西鹏飞_鹏飞集团_山西鹏飞集团有限公司 |
孝义鹏飞实业有限公司,鹏飞集团,孝义鹏飞,甲醇,LNG,粗苯,硫酸铵,焦油,焦炭,精煤,鹏飞实业 |
秉承“为心系鹏飞事业的人创造幸福”的企业使命,追求“成为全球领先的清洁能源智慧企业”发展愿景,从1993年2.5万元为启动资金艰苦创业至今,20余年栉风沐雨,20春秋沧桑巨变,从小土焦生产企业做大做强到拥有950亿资产、2万员工的集煤、焦、化工、物流、金融、五星级酒店、文旅为一体的数智化、循环化、绿色为底色的全产业链中国企业500强。 |
www.vietnamtribune.com |
Vietnam Tribune - News Reports from around Vietnam |
Vietnam Tribune, Vietnam, Vietnam news, Vietnam newspaper, Vietnam news xml, Vietnam rss news, Vietnam newspapers, Vietnam weather, add Vietnam headlines, Vietnam news by email, Vietnam news papers, Vietnamese news, Vietnamese newspapers |
Online newspaper for Vietnam, presents breaking local news, the top stories, business headlines and Vietnam weather. XML RSS feeds, facility to add or be emailed Vietnam news headlines, movie and hotel reviews. |
www.newyorktelegraph.com |
New York Telegraph | Long standing New York City News resource |
New York Telegraph, New York, New York news, New York newspaper, New York news xml, New York rss news, New York newspapers, New York weather, add New York headlines, New York news by email, New York news papers |
Online newspaper for New York, presents breaking local news, the top stories, business headlines and New York weather. XML RSS feeds, facility to add or be emailed New York news headlines, movie and hotel reviews. |
www.philadelphiaherald.com |
Philadelphia Herald | Philadelpia, Pa Online Newspaper |
Philadelphia Herald, Philadelphia, Philadelphia news, Philadelphia newspaper, Philadelphia news xml, Philadelphia rss news, Philadelphia newspapers, Philadelphia weather, add Philadelphia headlines, Philadelphia news by email, Philadelphia news papers, Philadelphian news, Philadelphian newspapers |
Online newspaper for Philadelphia, presents breaking local news, the top stories, business headlines and Philadelphia weather. XML RSS feeds, facility to add or be emailed Philadelphia news headlines, movie and hotel reviews. |
www.pittsburghstar.com |
Pittsburgh Star - Local Pittsburgh News | International Headlines |
Pittsburgh Star, Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh news, Pittsburgh newspaper, Pittsburgh news xml, Pittsburgh rss news, Pittsburgh newspapers, Pittsburgh weather, add Pittsburgh headlines, Pittsburgh news by email, Pittsburgh news papers |
Online newspaper for Pittsburgh, presents breaking local news, the top stories, business headlines and Pittsburgh weather. XML RSS feeds, facility to add or be emailed Pittsburgh news headlines, movie and hotel reviews. |
www.sanfranciscostar.com |
San Francisco Star - San Francisco News Headlines, Local & Global |
San Francisco Star, San Francisco, San Francisco news, San Francisco newspaper, San Francisco news xml, San Francisco rss news, San Francisco newspapers, San Francisco weather, add San Francisco headlines, San Francisco news by email, San Francisco news papers, San Franciscan news, San Franciscan newspapers |
Online newspaper for San Francisco, presents breaking local news, the top stories, business headlines and San Francisco weather. XML RSS feeds, facility to add or be emailed San Francisco news headlines, movie and hotel reviews. |
www.sydneysun.com |
Sydney Sun | The latest news & events in Sydney, Australia |
Sydney Sun, Sydney, Sydney news, Sydney newspaper, Sydney news xml, Sydney rss news, Sydney newspapers, Sydney weather, add Sydney headlines, Sydney news by email, Sydney news papers |
Online newspaper for Sydney, presents breaking local news, the top stories, business headlines and Sydney weather. XML RSS feeds, facility to add or be emailed Sydney news headlines, movie and hotel reviews. |
www.hfwytech.com |
华丰伟业公司_青岛华丰伟业电力科技工程有限公司 |
山东电力建设,火电建设,核电建设,水电建设,风电建设,太阳能电站建设_电力工程调试_电站运行维护_机组性能试验 |
华丰伟业公司-华丰伟业公司是集DCS软件开发与组态、电力工程调试、机组性能试验、电站运行和维护、电站运维培训业务于一体的综合型电力科技工程股份制公司。_公司可提供各种容量的火电、核电、生物发电、垃圾发电、光伏发电、风力发电等各种发电机组及其相关的脱硫脱硝、海水淡化等调试业务服务。调试过的炉型涉及亚临界汽包炉、超临界直流炉、超超临界直流炉、低压和中压启动炉、余热锅炉、固定炉排炉、倒转炉排炉、振动炉排炉、链条炉排炉、下饲式炉排炉和往复推饲炉排炉,对冲燃烧、W火焰对冲悬浮燃烧、循环流化沸腾燃烧等。 |