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www.einkgroup.com |
E Ink 元太科技|E Ink. We Make Surfaces Smart and Green |
元太, 元太科技, E Ink Holdings, E Ink, eink, esg, ePaper, EPD, digital paper, electronic ink, reflective display, 電子紙, 電子墨水, 電子紙顯示器, 反射式顯示器, 護眼顯示器 |
E Ink元太科技為全球電泳式電子紙顯示技術的領導開發商與供應商,致力推動電子紙的多元應用及技術突破。 |
www.eink.com |
E Ink. We Make Surfaces Smart and Green |
e ink, color ePaper display, e ink color, e ink tablet, esg, ePaper, dark sky, digital paper, electronic ink, reflective display, green product, CSR,E Ink |
E Ink is the originator, pioneer and commercial leader in ePaper technology. |