www.suncentflow.cn |
流量计_超声波流量计_超声波流量计厂家_【深圳迅昇科技】 |
超声波流量计,插入式超声波流量计,便携式超声波流量计,外夹式超声波流量计,小管流量计 |
深圳迅昇科技是超声波流量计厂家,拥有高精度±0.5级,超细管流量监测,外夹式/插入式/多声道/便携式超声波流量计,提供流量检测标定服务,实力对标国际大品牌,可顺利通过国家计量院,用实力让流量测量更简单。 |
www.suncentflow.com |
Slim Pipe Clamp-on Ultrasonic Flowmeter | SUNCENT |
FlowMeter,Flow Sensors,Process Sensors,Fixed Buckled,Small Pipe Flowmeter,Ultrasonic Flowmeter,Multi Path Flowmeter |
Suncent has vast case experience in the following application industries: tap water, water treatment, central air conditioning, HVAC, underfloor heating engineering, cleaning machine, chemical industry, farmland irrigation, aquaculture, hydroelectric power plant, aerospace, port, shipping, fuel and others. |